OFII at the Forum Afrique: Destination Jobs 1st forum organised by Campus France
The event organised by Campus France involved fifty or so businesses, including both SMEs and various major African and French groups.
The audience also included both young graduates/students and professionals.
The aim was to foster vocational integration and to support entrepreneurship in Sub-Saharan Africa among graduates from the French higher education system.
The Forum was opened by Frédérique Vidal, the Minister for Higher Education, Research and Innovation.
OFII provided information and talked about the return/reintegration scheme, and also took part in the conference “OFII - a key player in vocational integration in Africa”.
The participants came to meet OFII over the two days of the event.
You can watch the interview ofIngrid Normand, Dominique Mensah and Pascal Chartrez which took place at this forum.